Start date 4 Jun 2025
Delivery Virtual
Price £695+VAT

A professional development experience that provides the tools and techniques to develop team understanding, communication and performance. It is important that you not only learn the principles of team coaching but you develop the skills and techniques to be an even greater coach.

About the programme

Coaching has to date mainly focussed on individual development in one-to-one relationships, and only recently has there been growing interest in how to coach whole teams.

Originally coming from the sports profession, team coaching has used techniques such as visualisation for overall improved team performance, styles of communication for improved understanding and appreciation of skills and strengths along with a focus on high performing team concepts.

Much of the growing interest in team coaching has come from a realisation of the limits of what can be achieved through individual coaching and leadership development, which trends help create strong individual managers or leaders but poorly functioning teams. The trends have left to a marked increase in the number of organisations using team coaching.

The course provides a comprehensive professional development experience that teaches participants a practical set of tools, techniques and models, and includes supervised coaching from experienced credentialed coaches.

The learning journey is rich in experiential development, advanced personal awareness and dedicated, personal support, enabling you to be the best coach you can be.

How you will learn

Taking a blended approach to your development as a coach.


The training is rich in theory, practical and experiential. You will receive 14 hours of ICF coach specific training where you will be trained in the art of team coaching.

Team Coaching Demonstration

You will be taught through a live coaching demonstration how to coach teams and groups.

Real Play Coaching Practise

Practise the art of team coaching in a safe and supportive environment.


You will be introduced to a wide range of tools and techniques that you can integrate into your practice.