Start date 15 Mar 2025
Delivery In Person
Price £6996+VAT

Wake up overlooking the holy Balian river and spend 10 days immersing yourself in a spiritual and transformational learning experience like no other. Our Divine Living Teacher Training programme takes you on a holistic development journey. Connecting your mind, body and soul, you will learn to teach eastern ancient wisdom and philosophies to the western world. You will be nurtured and nourished by eating beautifully prepared food by our chef, and each day will with Satya, a sacred bonding experience with your fellow class mates. You will participate in group workshops, practice deep spiritual teachings and develop your own teaching, coaching and healing skills. You will be introduced to a wide range of tools and techniques to develop your skills, competency and enhance your practice as a professional holistic coach, healer and teacher.

About the The Divine Living Accredited Teacher Training Programme


We have carefully crafted a professional enrichment experience that will take you on your own professional development journey that teaches you to become an ICF Globally Accredited Level 1 Holistic Wellness Coach, a Reiki Master, a Yoga Nidra and Meditation Teacher. You will guided through this one of a kind immersive development journey by International Master Coach, Reiki Master, Meditation, Ayurveda and Yoga Teacher, Author and Podcast Host Gillian McMichael.

Our training retreat is the perfect way to learn, focus and energise your mind, body, and soul whilst being taught the philosophies in the art of teaching, healing and coaching.  We will nurture and guide you through a balanced professional-development programme and provide you with the space to connect with yourself and with others.

The training retreat offers you the opportunity to relax, enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the surroundings whilst investing in your own professional development.

Your learning will be deeply experiential and will take a blended approach to exploring and developing your skills and capabilities further. This is an in-depth and immersive development journey to the core of who you are and how you teach, heal and coach. 

This programme will bring you into a new and profound relationship with yourself and as you learn to feel and navigate this wholeness, you will be able to guide your clients and students through the same transformational territory.

The retreat is the first phase of a 12-month programme with further virtual group and individual development. With a final week immersive retreat in Bali, in March 2026.  Our retreats take a maximum of 14 guests.  

Rooms will be twin sharing unless otherwise agreed.  If you book before the 30th September you will receive 15% off the course fee.

What's included in the Retreat?

All Food & Refreshments (vegan & vegetarian options)

Daily yoga & meditation sessions

Daily workshops in Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Meditation & Mindfulness, Reiki Healing, Energy Management, Ayurvedic Living, Breathwork and Holistic Wellness Coaching.

Art therapy & guided journaling sessions

Sound Healing & Mala Making Workshop

Island Excursions

Luxury gift bag

Massage (additional cost)

Special Welcome & Closing Ceremony 


What's included after the Retreat?

Six Virtual Group Supervision and Mentoring Sessions

Six Virtual Individual Holistic Transformational Coaching Sessions 

Six Virtual Group Masterclass Sessions

Assessments & Practicums 

Membership to OneLifeAtHome Wellness Platform 

20% off Future Annual Divine Living Workshops & Retreats

How you will learn

Through meaningful, insightful and experiential lessons.

Becoming a Holistic Wellness Coach

You will learn the princilples, practisies and philosophy of holistic wellness coaching.  How you can coach using a transformational coaching framework to support your clients achieve their wellness goals. You will be introduced to a wide tool kit of rescources that will enrich who you are and how you coach.  

At the end of the programme you will be a globally Accredited Level 1 ICF Coach

Becoming a Reiki Healer

You will receive your healing attuement which will allow you to practice Reiki with your clients to Master Level.  You will explore the philosophy of healing, the chakra’s & nadi Channels, healing through the senses, emotional freedom techniques and much more to enhance your healing practice.

At the end of the programme you will be a globally Accredited Reiki Master.

Becoming a Meditation Teacher

You will learn the philosophy of meditation & mindful practices, pranayama- breathwork, chanting & mantras, kriyas and mudras, higher states of consciousness and how to theme & plan your meditation sessions

At the end of the programme you will be a globally Accredited Meditation Teacher.

Becoming a Yoga Nidra Teacher

You will gain a deep understanding of the philosophy of yoga and yoga fundamentals, the 8 Limbs of Yoga, the yamas & nyamas. The health benefits of yoga nidra, yoga lifestyle and how to theme & plan your yoga nidra sessions.

At the end of the programme you will be a globally Accredited Yoga Nidra Teacher.

Meet your guide & teacher

I am a teacher, healer and coach. I will create a space where you can connect to the whole of you: your mind, body and spirit. I have carefully crafted this programme so you can come home, back to your true-self. I have supported over 10,000 people over the last two decades make the changes they needed to live a long, healthy and vibrant life and I am looking forward to helping you do the same.

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