An interactive and practical learning experience

Aug 2019

Before I signed up for the course I was working as a User Experience Designer and Researcher for a Fortune 100 company. For those who are not that familiar with the role, it is about creating digital software products for, and with users in mind.

Why did you want to become a coach?
I grew up in a post-communist country and as you can imagine, much of my upbringing was influenced by that era. There was very little freedom to be or think differently than others. You simply do as you’re told. So, I grew up with a thirst to find out how we develop and what stops us from being who we want to be. I feel strongly that by gaining self-awareness we are able to overcome past conditioning and lead fulfilled and happy lives. It’s this belief that drove me to overcome my own obstacles and eventually become a coach helping others to thrive.

Why did you choose FCG?
I’ve done quite a lot of research on different coaching organisations before I decided to go with Full Circle Global (FCG). FCG stood out from the crowd because it was very authentic, personable and the coaching is of a high standard. To add to it, the mentoring programme was one of the key reasons for eventually deciding for FCG.

Please tell me what you enjoyed about the programme?
The whole week is cleverly designed to be an interactive and practical learning experience. The peer coaching sessions are particularly useful because they enable students to apply the theory and gain confidence in their coaching skills. I was lucky to be part of an amazing group of other students who were very knowledgeable, supportive and fun.

Did you experience any challenges along the way?
Yes, there were times when I thought to myself “what have you done”? Like standing up in front of the group and sharing. But remembering that challenges are ‘opportunities to grow’ I dived in and it went better than I thought.

Please tell me what life looks like now that you have trained to be a coach?
I left my job, and my time is fully dedicated to coaching clients and building a business now. I’m also exploring a few avenues for creating a set of principles for developing self-awareness. It’s early days, but it’s interesting and I enjoy it.

Finally, what would you say to anyone thinking about becoming a coach trainee?
If you care about people’s wellbeing or just genuinely enjoy helping others - you are in the right place. Whether you are thinking about transitioning to coaching or just enhancing your personal skillset, coaching has so much to offer. However you decide, I wish you all the best in your journey.

Julia Kotulova - Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice, London. May 2019.