Simona Simeone – Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice – Student 2021
Feb 2021
I was employed and still I am with Edinburgh Napier University covering the role of School Operations Officer. I cover variety of areas and responsibilities to assist students and staff. Part of my role involves line-managing staff, supporting students affected by personal extenuating circumstances dealing, space management and occupational health & wellbeing.
I made the decision to become a coach a few years ago when I was introduced to coaching by my employer as part of training on personal development offered to staff. I was very inspired then and I could see the benefit of working on yourself in order to be able to support others in the workplace.
The training I attended through my employer was delivered by a professional coach that had trained with Full Circle. I found the trainer and the training content very inspiring and interesting as it was tailored to meet the needs of our employer to cover also topics like diversity and inclusion in the workplace. When I approached the trainer at the end of the session, and I asked for guidance I was directed to Full Circle. I attended one of their free introductory full day training sessions which I did and I have never looked back since! The session was delivered by Gillian. I truly enjoyed the day and I felt so inspired and chuffed I made the decision to attend. I felt it was a very productive Saturday that set me ready to embark in the coaching journey. We covered so much in one day from theory, practical sessions including observing a real coaching session.
I have enjoyed all of the programme. Firstly, I was really surprised how well structured and organised the course is as delivered virtually. I was also touched about how much I have managed to bond with the group and feel a sense of connection and sharing with my peers. It still felt a very safe space to be in. I was also very impressed with our well experienced trainer that guided us through the classes and ensure we were all contributing and felt included.
I have really appreciated the quality and honest feedback received from my peers and my mentors during the one-to-one feedback sessions. The thing I enjoyed the most was the opportunity to practice with my peers during the course and share personal experiences.
During the course I felt challenged when I was invited to open up with the group. I also found it challenging but at the same time inspiring to work on myself and reflect on the personal things that had been holding me back. I also felt challenged when we had to do some practical work in groups during the classes with little time to prepare and the most difficult part for me was when I had to pitch myself as a coach in front of everyone!
I am still training as I write this, but I am coming to the end of the CPCP Certificate course. I feel that the course has been a life changing experience already and the more I learn and practice coaching the more I enjoy. I feel confident that it is the right professional path for me to embark on. Life feels more meaningful and fulfilling. I feel already enriched by what I am able to share with my clients during the coaching sessions and how much I learn about myself each time I coach too. I feel honoured to embark on a coaching journey with each person and I feel happy and satisfied both professionally and personally. There is nothing better than feeling that you have made a difference in other people lives and see the positive impact that coaching has on others personal and professional lives.
Through this programme I have recognised that what was holding me back, was essential in my journey to becoming a coach. I have also learned that I should celebrate more of who I am and every achievement along the way. I have learned than I could ever imagine, and I feel more grounded and satisfied.
I have learned I don’t have to be afraid of silence but to embrace it and explore it. I have learned that it is not as simple as it may seem but with practice you will naturally master your abilities and build your own coaching style. I have learned that in order to support clients to get where they want to be in life you have to experience the coaching journey together with the person and not ahead of them. Together you explore and learn. You must embrace the unexpected, support the client during the challenges and celebrate every single achievement along the way. This is an enriching experience for both the client and the coach.
If you are considering becoming a coach, take any opportunities you can to find out more about coaching and join any open introductory sessions available to you to understand if this feels right for you. To follow your intuition and if you haven’t been coached – you should!