Reflections on 2020

Dec 2020

So much has happened since we last connected. Covid-19 has taken over the world, and our lives and it's left many of us confused, frustrated and unsure of the future. With the news of a vaccine, there may be light at the end of the long tunnel we've all be in, although this may take some time.

However, I am hopeful that when 2021 arrives it will bring with it a new energy, optimism and opportunity.

When I look back on my year, Covid-19 has taught me many lessons, I have learned to slow down, be present and appreciate the smaller things in life. It has taught me that I cannot control everything and when I let go of what I can’t control, I have found peace within me. I have fallen in love with the outdoors and being in nature – the beauty of my surroundings and the simplicity of just appreciating the world we live in, is in fact a marvellous thing.

I have been blown away by the human spirit and its capacity for kindness, compassion and caring and for those who every day have put their own lives at risk to look after others. I am grateful even though it has been a battle for the connection made across cultures and diversity and the shifts that are starting to be made in global leadership.

In all of this I have grown, I am a better person for it, my need to want less and appreciate what I have has been a gift. To spend quality time with my family and the understanding, acceptance, patience and love we now have for each other is deeper thanks to Covid.

I have realised that through adversity I am strong, I am resourceful and creative and the experiences I’ve had, although less, have been greater and far more enriching that I could have ever imagined.

I appreciate my life, for the person I have become and for the belief in the human spirit that together we can all grow from this experience and come out better for it.

So as we move towards the end of 2020 and bid it farewell, I hope, like me you can embrace the prospect of a hopeful, optimistic and bright 2021, where the lessons learned in 2020 can be built upon, so we can all live a happy, vibrant and healthy life - being the very best version of ourselves.

I look forward to connecting with you in 2021.

Gillian x