Listen and you will be a good coach
Feb 2019
"Before I retired I was employed by the NHS and HSCP (Health and Social Care Partnership) in a Management and Leadership role and prior to that I was in a clinical role. I had a little coaching myself, with benefit. I had commissioned coaching for a group of clinicians and I was told that I had a coaching style. After retirement I wanted something substantial to do to contribute to individuals including those working in healthcare, social care and spiritual roles.
I chose Full Circle Global as I wanted to join a course in Edinburgh or Glasgow and the dates fitted perfectly with my holidays and other commitments! I enjoyed the working together as a group. I am also a big fan of feedback from an experienced coach soon after the coaching episode. That gives very effective learning. I also enjoyed being coached and used it to progress several areas.
I have had to change role and priority from a life as a clinician being used to doing things and being active, with specialist knowledge which clients come to me for. As a coach the power is in the questions. It has been challenging to restrain the “doing” person.
Life is now very comfortable. I have stopped being “retired” and am now finding a new way of living in which coaching will be an integrated part, but not the only part.
To everyone considering becoming a coach trainee, I'd say:
Be realistic! Don’t think that it is easy to become a coach, particularly if you are looking to turn it into a self employed career. Although the qualification is only a few hours, the experience required to be a great coach will take some time.
Enjoy it! If you are suited to be a coach you will enjoy walking the walk or dancing the dance with the clients and also with the training. You will know this before you start because you are interested in people already.
Stop talking! However much you talk just now, it's still too much. Listen and you will be a good coach."
Chris Mackintosh - Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice, Edinburgh 2018