Less is More…

Nov 2017

Do you feel like you are racing through life at 100mph?

Monday to Friday is an uphill slog of work, family, squeezing in time for exercise whilst keeping on top of housework and other endless chores. The goal of the weekend is in sight but when it finally arrives rather than putting your feet up you fill the time ferrying children from activity to activity and that’s before you even attempt a social life of your own. When Monday comes around again you find yourself asking ‘where did the weekend go?’ and feeling far from rested and ready for the week ahead.

It’s a reoccurring theme with coaching clients and although many of us thrive on the hectic lifestyle it can only last so long before we crack. How much do we truly enjoy ourselves when time rushes by without a chance to savour it?

So what do we do? If we have little control over Monday to Friday then weekends are the perfect opportunity to SLOW DOWN. The only person guilty of making you so busy is you! Reclaim this time. This doesn’t have to mean doing things deliberately slowly but instead be more present and use your weekends wisely. Enjoy the hours and minutes instead of letting them fly by without control.

The Danish even have a word for it – Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) used when acknowledging a great feeling or moment, whether alone or with friends, at home or out, ordinary or extraordinary. Hygge is about being present enough to recognise these moments and feelings no matter how simple they are.

A major time drainer is social media – so switch off! Put your phone somewhere out of reach so you forget about its existence. Believe me your brunch will taste just as good without posting it on Instagram! With the hectic lifestyles we lead these days it is rare that we take the time to reflect which is one of the reasons coaching has become such a popular tool. So, schedule in down time. Block it out, even an hour, just for you. Have a bath, read a book, listen to music – whatever makes you happy. Your mind will thank you for it.