Meet Jacqui Jagger
Nov 2017
My background is in retail – I’ve done a variety of field and head office based roles over the years. I left my last role at the end of 2015 and was initially looking for something similar based closer to home which was definitely a case of my head ruling my heart, as I wasn’t really inspired by the roles I was applying for. The idea of coaching was there for a long time, it just took me a while to listen to my gut!
I’d always enjoyed using a coaching style within my management roles, and had been fortunate that I’d experienced coaching in two of my previous roles. I was fascinated by the difference a coach could make, and the more I looked into coaching the more I felt it was something I would love doing
I started researching coach training, knowing I wanted a pathway to ICF accreditation. I found lots of options but most of the websites were very focused around the academic aspects of the training and they didn’t inspire me. By contrast, I loved the focus on your own development in your journey to become a coach with FCD. I then signed up for the free discovery day where I met Gillian, and the rest is history!
There were so many brilliant aspects. I got to meet such a fantastic, diverse group of fellow trainees all with their own stories. The pace of the training was great, we covered lots of ground very quickly without it ever feeling rushed. The chance to be coached and to practice coaching was not just about putting skills into practice, it was inspiring, challenging and left me so excited to continue my journey.
The coaching I received was more emotionally challenging than I had anticipated; I was surprised at what I learnt about myself through the process. It was definitely a positive challenge though, and brought to life my understanding of the difference between the transactional coaching I had experienced before and the transformational coaching model.
I’m loving life! I’m in the process of setting up my coaching practice and while the idea of being self employed for the first time ever and having the responsibility for building a business is still somewhat daunting, I believe that it’s the right thing for me. I feel courageous and proud of myself for taking this path and that’s a pretty awesome feeling.
I thought way too much about what other people would think, whether I was the right kind of person to be a great coach, what my earning potential might be compared to my old career, you name it. All it did was delay the most inspiring and transformational development experience I’ve ever had. Stop thinking and listen to what feels right.
Jacqui Jagger
Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice Graduate