Focus on wellness: How to manage your mind during times of uncertainty

Mar 2020

If there is something we can all agree on right now, wherever we are in the world, it is that we are living with some elements of uncertainty. Wherever you look the news is reporting fear based buying, shutdowns, travel restrictions and isolation measures for protection.

We are unsure of the future, and how things will play out. So how can you bring yourself some calm and peace of mind in these busy and uncertain times?

Quieting the mind

The first thing to remember is that you always have the ability to take a moment out and take a breath. Focus on being. Slow down and be in the moment. Forget about the to do list and what may happen in the future, and feel gratitude for now. Practising meditation and mindful can be a great help in reminding you that you have the power to change your internal feelings, rather than letting them be dictated by the external environment.

Practising self-care

What makes you feel good? Is it getting a good nights sleep? Taking the time to prep healthy meals? Making sure that you connect with family and friends? Whatever self care looks like for you, make sure that there is time in the diary to look after your needs. It’s important to look after yourself so you can be strong for others. You can’t pour from an empty cup, as the saying goes.

At Full Circle Global, we teach a Certificate in Coaching for Wellness, as well as coaching clients ourselves to help them in their personal lives. During these uncertain times, we have launched virtual classroom teaching for all of our courses to ensure that our students can still continue to learn with minimal disruption.