Discovery events are changing: new look online Introduction to Coaching sessions

Mar 2020

In these changing times, now more than ever people need support and structure in their lives.

Our usual approach to helping people discover whether training to be a coach is right for them is to offer both an introduction to coaching webinar, and a face to face free introduction to coaching training day.

As the COVID 19 situation develops around the world we took the decision earlier in March to move all teachings to the virtual classroom setting. The feedback on virtual sessions has been overwhelmingly positive, and allows you to learn in the comfort of your own home.

As such our discovery sessions are changing!

Our Introduction to Coaching webinar, which is an hour long will give you an introduction to what coaching is and what courses are on offer. The next sessions are on the 1st April at 12pm and 16th April at 12pm. You can reserve your free place here.

In place of our face to face discovery days, where you will find out more about the coaching market and industry, we will now be running these in the virtual classroom condensed down to two hour slots.

Our next virtual discovery session will run on Saturday 25th April 2020 from 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. (GMT). Book your place here.

If you would prefer to talk through the best options for you, please send us an email and we will call you back to chat things through.

Feedback on our virtual classroom facilities:
"CECP online with Naomi was great today. Looking forward to tomorrow. We worked just as hard and had breakout sessions. In the comfort of my own study! I actually found it even more focussed"
Margaret Chin-Wolf