Amal Monther - my coaching journey so far....

Jul 2018

“ I have been living in Dubai for six years. I have worked in hospitality and retail for 16 years. I quit 2 years ago as I decided to be a full time mom of 2. As much as I enjoyed my job - the fast pace, the competitive markets, and the travel - I felt that something was missing and that I wanted to do something more distinctive and meaningful to touch human lives.

It happened that my husband and I went to a parenting coach because we were facing some challenges with our 6 year old. I remember sitting there in front of the lady with a smile on my face. I was listening fully to every single word she was saying and feeling happy with how we were interacting and being a part of what we discovered later - the Big Change. I was like, ‘I want to do this!’ I wanted to guide and support people in moving forward and shifting, in crossing that bridge to go wherever they want to go or in whatever way they want to do it. So far, this journey I have started a few months back has been beautiful on both a personal and career level.

I wasn't very familiar with what coaching is and isn't until it was all explained by Full Circle. I was happy with the transformational model because it takes us and the client on this deep journey of self awareness to learn who we are and what we really want by discovering new capabilities, thoughts, moods, beliefs and emotions.

The week that we spent with our trainer Kate during the programme was amazingly peaceful and smooth. We were coaches and coachees in an environment that was positively intense, full of ideas, perceptions, discussions, emotions, questions and answers. Kate provided us with all the tools needed to fully understand and execute coaching. In addition to that, the master classes that followed were much enjoyed as we started to share our experiences and talk about the challenges that we were facing as coach trainees. Kate accordingly provided us with the tools to overcome the challenges and offered alternative styles and ways to use them. Overall, if I want to compare who I am before and after the course, I would say that I am a better listener now. I know how to slow down and breathe. I know how to control whatever emotions might arise. I am able to control my mind and fully focus to give all of me and to be fully present in a coaching session.

I am proud to say that I am a 36-year-old mom and that coaching gave me the mental energy boost to go back to college to start a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and Sociology, which I am starting in October. So, I am now a full time mom and will soon be a certified Professional Coach and a university student! Thank you Full Circle! “

Amal Monther, Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice - Dubai.